Cash Fund by Fundsupermart

Fundsupermart has just recently launch a cash deposit fund by a Prudential Fund Manager. This Cash Fund operates by consolidating monies from investors and placing them in various fixed deposits with several banks. Through such an approach, the Cash Fund is able to obtain a higher net interest rate.

The predecessor to the Cash Fund is the Cash Account and many people had asked if it is sensible to switch over to the Cash Fund which is promising higher returns. I believe that the Cash Fund is worth the efforts but it really depends on the person. Personally, I prefer to keep my existing Cash Account monies as they are and invest fresh funds into the Cash Fund. That way, I will still be able to enjoy the higher interest rates of an almost savings account equivalent and also to gain higher returns for the new injections that are going into the Cash Fund.

For people like me who have been investing, the considerations to go for Cash Account or Cash Fund is largely due to personal situations. However, there still exists a large group of people out there who are happy putting their spare cash on their own into savings accounts and gaining paltry interest. If you are one belonging to the latter, it really is time for you to check out Fundsupermart's offering immediately!

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