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Showing posts from September, 2007

CPF Changes for an Ageing Population

Prime Minister Lee unveiled quite a few proposed changes to the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Scheme during his national day rally speech and the changes have been debated in Parliament recently. Quite a few changes have been proposed to address the ageing population the country is facing. Top of the list are measures to encourage re-employment of older workers, followed by increases in the CPF interest rates and lastly, and most controversial, measures to make savings last for life expectancy. While official statistics show that more people are living till an older age, the cold hard facts do nothing to address the perceptions that these statistics do not apply to the individual. The common view on the ground is still that the government has once again moved the goalposts and made our money out of reach; everytime one moves near the markers where we can lay our hands on OUR money, the criteria is moved so that the marker moves that slightly further out of reach... Will people ever live